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Delano Area Rapid Transit (DART) provides fixed route bus service on four routes and demand responsive public transportation service (Dial-A- Ride) to the citizens of Delano and citizens residing within the immediate county area surrounding the city within the boundaries of State Route 43 to the west, County Line Road to the north, Pond Road to the south, and Zachary Avenue to the east. DART also has a dedicated route going to Bakersfield Monday through Friday.
DART provides connections to Eagle Mountain Casino Shuttle, Kern Regional Transit, Tachi Palace Casino Shuttle, TEO, Transportes Intercalifornias, Tulare County Area Transit (TCaT).
DART provides public transit service Monday thru Friday and limited service on Saturdays. The fixed route service consists of 4 routes plus the Bakersfield Express route. PT provides service to approximately 118,400 annual passengers or 9,870 each month. DART provides approximately 21,600 hours of service across 235,000 miles each year.

Space Rate: $213 - $227 per month Production & Installation: $299

Space Rate: $381 - $406 per month Production & Installation: $2,379

Space Rate: $186 - $199 per month Production & Installation: $271

Space Rate: $347 - $370 per month Production & Installation: $2,182

Space Rate: $213 - $227 per month Production & Installation: $202

Space Rate: $381 - $406 per month Production & Installation: $688

Space Rate: $889 - $946 per month Production & Installation: $4,714

Space Rate: $170 - $199 per month Production & Installation: $388

Space Rate: $143 - $168 per month Production & Installation: $388

Space Rate: $170 - $199 per month Production & Installation: $388

Space Rate: $317 - $372 per month Production & Installation: $572

Space Rate: $202 - $224 per month Production & Installation: $375

Space Rate: $15 per month Production & Installation: $32